
AROMA Accurate, Reliable and Optimized functional MAgnetic resonance imaging at unprecedented field strength for unique exploration of the human brain

Higher fields however bring about greater technical challenges that must be overcome to fully exploit the potential of the unique 11.7T instrument.

It will be addressed by using the emerging field sensors technology to achieve their correction with detection sensitivity of 10 μm for head motion and nanotesla-range field fluctuations.

Objective 3: Objectives 1 and 2 methodological developments will be ultimately tested on tens of healthy adult volunteers for validation of the anatomical scan quality as well as reliable detection of cortical-depth dependent neural activations at 500 μm isotropic resolution. It will build the foundations to enable brain layer-specific investigations with unrivalled sensitivity.

partners / contact


[ CEA ]





[ ETH ]





[ DZNE ]






The Netherlands

Benedikt POSER

Benedikt POSER



United Kingdom






Benjamin Dietrich

Benjamin Dietrich

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 885876 . This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


graph - chart

Start 01/01/2021
70% 27/07/2024
End 31/12/2025
Budget allocation . M€ Budget allocation
Effort 299 p*m Effort
Effort 5 persons Full time equivalent


New AROMA publication about acoustic noise re...


Acoustic noise in the NexGen 7T scanner (David Feinberg’s lab) has been identified as originating mostly from eddy currents...

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The AROMA consortium participates at the ISMR...


AROMA consortium members participated in May 2024 at the ISMRM meeting in Singapore. They took this opportunity also to meet...

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First in vivo images of the living human brai...


A press conference took place with the French minister of research Sylvie Retailleau to reveal the first in vivo images of the...

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High-resolution ex-vivo brain images acquired...


Sequence parameters: 3D GRE, res = 180 × 180 × 180 µm3 , Matrix = 1080 × 1080 × 704, TE = 20 ms, TR = 40 ms, FA = 18° (pTx),...

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New AROMA publication on the influence of 3rd...


With numerous experiments and tests at various sites and field strengths, the authors were able to converge towards the 3rd...

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Shajan Gunamony and Nicolas Boulant giving AR...


Shajan Gunamony gave a talk at the CMRR workshop in Minnesota (Oct 13th 2023).

Nicolas Boulant gave a talk at the University of...

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Book on NeuroMRI at UHF now available


Initiative launched by Benedikt Poser (AROMA), Maxime Guye and Karin Markenroth Bloch: book about NeuroMRI at UHF now...

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First in-vitro tests at 11.7T with the 8TX32R...


The pTx coil designed by the University of Glasgow has arrived at NeuroSpin. First measurements were performed on an...

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The coordinator of AROMA at the kick-off Dyna...


On July 5, 2023, the coordinator of AROMA (Nicolas Boulant, CEA) participated at the kick-off meeting of the Dynamic 14T...

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Magnetic resonance imaging at 9.4 T: the Maas...


New paper on 9.4T MRI by the Maastricht team! Happy to have them on the AROMA project consortium providing the bridge between...

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New AROMA publication about the 11.7T 8Tx/Rx ...


The work describes the electromagnetic and RF pulse design simulation steps that were carried out to optimize the design of...

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New publication with AROMA


New publication with AROMA: commissioning status, gradient-magnet interaction tests and first imaging experience at 11.7T ( View more

The coordinator of AROMA touring the US


Nicolas Boulant toured the US (Berkeley California, New York city and the Martinos center near Boston) to present results on...

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AROMA at the Journées Francophones de Radiol...


Nicolas Boulant gave a talk to the French radiology community about the perspectives of MRI at 7T and parallel transmission...

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AROMA at the Skope users’ meeting in Zürich


AROMA people presented their latest developments exploiting field monitoring (motion correction, thermometry) in Zurich,...

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Multiparametric mapping with AROMA tools


Skipped-CAIPI 3D-EPI was implemented for rapid multiparametric mapping. High resolution whole brain images acquired within 3...

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Skope to the rescue….!


A strong artefact in the images at 11.7T was visible in some acquisitions. Field monitoring performed with the AROMA field...

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pTx water-selective excitation development


Interleaved binomial kT-points combine advantages of flip angle homogenization using kT-points and suppression of fat signal...

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New AROMA publication about SNR versus magnet...


The Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) was measured at the center of a spherical phantom at 3T, 7T, 9.4T, 10.5T and 11.7T and over 3...

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Webinar given by the coordinator to the safet...


Nicolas Boulant explained the results obtained in an AROMA publication and its implications about RF safety (Le Ster et al....

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Physics and engineering for human brain explo...


Physics and engineering for human brain exploration. Nicolas Boulant gave a seminar to the condensed matter physics department...

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3rd General Assembly and ISMRM meeting in Lon...


The consortium met in London just before ISMRM for the 3rd GA. The ISMRM meeting was also the opportunity to disseminate AROMA...

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AROMA presents a new video!


The project coordinator, Nicolas Boulant, refers to the goals of the project and explains the tasks of the individual...

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First measurements with the AROMA RF coil pro...


The University of Glasgow delivered a 8Tx-8Rx RF coil prototype to test at 11.7T some concepts and verify the coil efficiency...

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AROMA research in Siemens Magnetom FLASH


The work and achievements related to the implementation of the PASTEUR package of parallel transmission universal pulse...

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2nd General Assembly video


The 2nd General Assembly that took place on Nevember 17th, 2021 is behind us. We are glad that we were able to meet the...

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New AROMA publication. Standardized universal...


The work describes a fast calibration method to adjust Universal RF pulses to gain further performance. The calibration is...

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Webinar about universal pulses


After dissemination to currently 16 sites worldwide, a webinar is organized by CEA-NeuroSpin to show results and get feedback...

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AROMA young recruits


Dr. Caroline Le Ster studied bioscience engineering before her PhD at Siemens Healthcare. Her thesis was about diffusion,...

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2nd General Assembly


On November 17th 2021, the AROMA consortium met at CEA-NeuroSpin for the 2nd General Assembly. All partners presented their...

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New AROMA publication. Temporal SNR optimizat...


Typical functional MRI experiments are performed with multi receive channel RF coils resulting on the reconstruction of...

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First AROMA publication on MR thermometry wit...


The work describes the development of a method to measure non-invasively the RF field-induced temperature rise in the human...

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HEC Paris MBA students at NeuroSpin


Nicolas Boulant gave a presentation and explained the stakes of the Iseult and AROMA projects to HEC Paris MBA students. A...

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First images acquired on the whole-body CEA 1...


First images on a pumpkin and on an ex-vivo brain were acquired at 11.7T. The results validate nearly 20-year long Research...

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AROMA at the "New Horizons in MRI" workshop o...


On September 24, 2021 in Switzerland, one of the Europe’s most cosmopolitan technical university – the École Polytechnique...

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New milestone sequence development


The CEA and DZNE teams, helped with Siemens Healthineers, have continued porting their universal pulse pTX sequences from the...

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The 1st General Assembly is behind us


On June 23rd, the AROMA consortium met remotely for the 1st General Assembly.

It was the first reporting meeting, 6 months...

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Gradient-Magnet interaction tests up to 11.7T...


Gradient-Magnet interaction tests have been successfully conducted by CEA at 3T, 7T, 10.2T and 11.7T, in collaboration with...

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First milestone parallel transmission sequenc...


The CEA and DZNE teams have successfully ported their plug and play parallel transmission solutions from the Magnetom 7T to...

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AROMA project at the ISMRM conference


Three submitted and AROMA-related abstracts were accepted at the annual meeting of the International Society of Magnetic...

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Dr. Nicolas Boulant (CEA, Saclay) will give a...


On March 25, 2021 at the University of Nottingham, the coordinator of the AROMA project, Dr.Nicolas Boulant (CEA, Saclay) will...

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AROMA at the 3rd Skope User meeting


The Skope User meeting gathers the Skope user community, researchers who are using magnetic field monitoring for their MRI...

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Kickoff Meeting


The AROMA project has officially started.

On the 21st of January, AROMA project's consortium met remotely to launch the project...

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Launch of AROMA project


Launch of AROMA, a european project to exploit the full potential of NeuroSpin's future 11.7 T scanner.

AROMA, a FET-Open H2020...

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Nicolas Boulant is giving a press conference

Nicolas Boulant is giving a press conference with Sylvie Retailleau, the French minister of research, and Anne-Isabelle Etienvre, CEA director of fundamental research, on April 2nd to announce the first in vivo images acquired at 11.7T on volunteers 



CMRR workshop in Minnesota

Shajan Gunamony gave a talk at the CMRR workshop in Minnesota (Oct 13th 2023).


Seminar at the University of California in Berkeley (Nicolas Boulant)


Challenges & Opportunities of Human MR Systems Above 10 Tesla

The coordinator of AROMA talked about the 11.7T project at the UHF ISMRM virtual meeting (https://www.ismrm.org/virtual-meetings/archive/).


NeuroSpin-CEA hosting its 2nd Scientific Advisory Board meeting

The AROMA project was presented to the SAB along with NeuroSpin long term strategy.


Nicolas Boulant provides expert advice at ANR

The coordinator of the AROMA project participated in an event organized by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche in Paris to give advice to EIC Pathfinder applicants (Jan 12th 2023).


Alejandro Monreal Madrigal in Arizona

Alejandro attended the ISMRM workshop (08-11 January 2023) on data sampling and reconstruction in Sedona AZ. He presented his work on stack of spirals imaging for VASO fRMI.


Journées Francophones de Radiologie (Paris, France)

Nicolas Boulant gave a talk to the French radiology community about the perspectives of MRI at 7T and parallel transmission (Oct 7th 2022).


5th edition of the Skope User Meeting, Effective usage of encoding field measurements – Applications and Integrations

AROMA people presented their latest developments exploiting field monitoring (motion correction, thermometry).


Webinar about universal pulses

After dissemination to currently 16 sites worldwide, a webinar is organized by CEA-NeuroSpin to show results and get feedback from the community about 7T universal pulse MRI sequences.


CEA participation in a virtual seminar for the National Institutes of Health

Dr. Nicolas Boulant gives a virtual seminar to National Institutes of Health (NIH)

The presentation will include an update on the commissioning of the 11.7T MRI at CEA in addition to gradient-magnet interaction test results conducted in 2021 from 3T and up to 11.7T.


AROMA at the ISMRM engineering study group workshop

Dr. Nicolas Boulant will present to the community at a virtual workshop organized by the engineering study group of the ISMRM the progress made on the commissioning of the 11.7T MRI magnet at CEA and gradient-magnet interaction test results.

More information can be found here: https://www.ismrm.org/virtual-meetings


Interview with Dr. Nicolas Boulant, coordinator of the AROMA project

We invite you to an interview with Dr. Nicolas Boulant, coordinator of the AROMA project. Dr. Boulant explains the stakes, challenges and motivation of the project. The interview is available at the link below :




AROMA project at the ISMRM conference

On March 30, 2021, Dr. Vincent Gras (NeuroSpin, CEA) will give a presentation entitled Universal Pulses - Making Neuro pTX Easy. The presentation will be part of High Field Study group virtual meeting of the ISMRM. Dr. Vincent Gras will talk about universal pulses to make parallel transmission a reality for easy clinical routine in MR brain Imaging.

More information you can find here: https://www.ismrm.org/virtual-meetings/.


Dr. Nicolas Boulant will give a seminar at the University of Nottingham

On March 25, 2021 at the University of Nottingham, the coordinator of the AROMA project, Dr.Nicolas Boulant (CEA, Saclay) will talk about universal pulses to mitigate RF field inhomogeneity effects in neuro imaging at 7T, at zero cost for the user, thereby making it an attractive technique for clinical routine.
An update on the commissioning of the NeuroSpin 11.7T scanner will also be provided.

If you are interested in the seminar, please visit the website of the University of Nottingham: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/spmic/events.aspx


AROMA at the 3rd Skope User meeting

The Skope User meeting gathers the Skope user community, researchers who are using magnetic field monitoring for their MRI research, to share their results and experiences. At the same time it is a place for networking with like-minded scientists who pursue research in a related area. 

During this third (virtual) Skope User Meeting taking place on January 28th, 2021, Dr. Nicolas Boulant is presenting the goals and stakes of the AROMA project, in addition to some of his newest research: MR thermometry with field monitoring. Dr. Klaas Pruessmann presents the challenges and rewards of high-performance gradients with the benefits of field monitoring. The organizer of the meeting, Skope, provides an update of their products and developments.




2021 November: "Temporal SNR optimization through RF coil combination in fMRI: The more, the better?"

2021 October: "Measuring radiofrequency field-induced temperature variations in brain MRI exams with motion compensated MR thermometry and field monitoring"

2022 January: MAGNETOM Flash

2022 July: Magnetic Resonance in Med – Reproducibility of rapid multi-parameter mapping at 3T and 7T with highly segmented and accelerated 3D-EPI

2022 June: Magnetic Resonance in Med – Interleaved binomial kT-Points for water-selective imaging at 7T

2023 April: Magnetic resonance imaging at 9.4 T: the Maastricht journey - https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10334-023-01080-4

2023 January: Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine – 2023 – “Commissioning of the Iseult CEA 11.7T Whole-Body MRI: current status, gradient-magnet interaction tests and first imaging experience”

2023 March: Electromagnetic and RF pulse design simulation basedoptimization of an eight-channel loop array for 11.7Tbrain imaging

2024 January : Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine – The possible influence of third order shim coils on gradient–magnet interactions: an inter field and inter site study

2024 July: Acoustic noise reduction in the NexGen 7 T scanner

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